Looking back to September 15, 1992. Our family gathered at the hospital to welcome a new baby, David Hilson Buyert. Daniel cut the umbilical cord.....Jenna stood quietly beside the bed feeling her first "motherly "instincts kick in. Kate loudly proclaimed that she did not want a "David". Either she had her mind set on a sister or she wanted to remain the baby of the family, I am not sure. David.........he completed our family. He was happy all the time. The girls adored him. They both "mothered" him (I think they still do that). He has grown up in a world of chick flicks and girl drama. He has had many tough things to deal with for a young guy. I am proud of the choices he has made so far and I continue to pray for him everyday.
"A milllion Dollar " family everyone proclaimed.....perfect. What a blessing. I would go back to that day in a heart beat. I loved having little kids......I loved babies......I loved being able to control their enviroment...keep them safe.....teach them about life and values and morals. I could push them on the swings and show them how to make mudpies. I could fix their scraped up knees and hold their hands when they got stitches. I could take them to the barns and show them the miracle of a baby pig being born. I could take them to the tractor to spend time with their Dad. I could read books that took them on far away adventures. I could solve all their homework problems. I could make chocolate chip cookies or muffins after school and they all thought I was the best mom ever! I taught them to pray and to know who God is. I walked in faith and they all followed. I loved that part of being a mom. It is quite something that a mom can have so much love for each of her kids. I marveled at that each time we added another child. Life was so good.........I loved life and had big expectations and plans for the years ahead.
And then sometimes life doesn't just go as you plan it. You find out your "million dollar" family really is going to "cost " you a million dollars! You find out that you can't control your kids enviroment. You find out that Jr high and high school can really be a tough time. You find out that your kids don't always listen.....they don't always make wise choices. You find out you can't help with any of their homework anymore and you have no idea what "facebook" is or even how to get there on the computer. Chocolate chip cookies don't solve all the problems AND they don't always think you are the best mom ever! Their hurts are far worse than a scraped knee and their hearts can't be healed with stitches. They question everything about God and they challenge your morals and values and they question your faith. People would comment about how I always all my ducks in a row.............well sometimes the ducks just don't follow. They chose a different road....a tough road .......a road with out a bridge, or a road that just doesn't lead anywhere. BUT through all of this I learned a very important lesson..........God didn't expect me to do it all............He simply wants me to trust him.
So..........looking ahead, Sept. 15 2010. David is a Senior in High school. That 18 years has gone so fast. Life for us is again changing. Life can have tough stuff in it...... God does not promise us an easy road. BUT He does promise to be right there beside us. Look for the good stuff in life.........find joy in something everyday.........pray for your kids........pray for mine..........enjoy your journey.........trust that God is with you every step of the way.